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New Moovride ambassador! Welcome Alba!
There are collaborations that give pleasure, when positive energies cross, when you skate in the same direction! It happened to us with Alba! A skater with a lot of passion! Before I knew it, I was naturally part of the Moovride family! It is a great pleasure to add her to Moovride! Welcome Alba!
Alba is 21 years old, from Pontevedra, Spain.
She has been skating for 8 and a half years. She started skating because she fell on an ice rink when she didn't know how to skate and she wanted to learn so that it wouldn't happen again next time.
She does freestyle slalom and is starting to figure skate on ice, in addition to literally living on skates?
She has been teaching skating for 3 years and this year she is setting up her school in Pontevedra
It is called PATINA Y LOGRA?
And she teaches all levels but mainly slalom and freeskate
Their goal is for students to learn to skate but above all to become better people through this sport, providing them with personal growth ?
Follow her on Instagram
Her school @escuela.patina.y.logra
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