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The world of Anaëlle
It's hard to talk about the street world without talking about Anaëlle Nogueira! Let's take a tour of this great champion!
She is French, she lives in Nantes in France.
She has been skating freestyle (skatepark) since she was 9 years old. In the French team for a few years, she is currently French Champion!
She makes a living from rollerblading, she works at LE HANGAR Skatepark in Nantes as a inline skating coach. She also works with her club West Freestyle Academy, we train young people (and not so young) in rollerblading and scooters and more generally we develop our sports at local and national level.
Nantes Roller Festival
It has been organizing the Nantes Roller Festival for 4 years, which is the first stage of the French roller-skating championship and now the biggest roller-skating competition in France with nearly 200 competitors in the 2022 edition. Save these dates, from 6 to 8 October at Le Hangar Skatepark in Nantes, it's the 2023 edition!
One of her great motivations is her commitment to the development of women's sport, in her sport but also in other urban disciplines (scooter, etc.).
Ella grew up in this environment where there were few women and they lived through sexist injustices that demotivated many of them. These situations, although fewer in number, still occur.
A great pride: the actions with his club and the organization of big events show that it is possible to change this situation.
It is important to put this important subject on the table regularly with federations, clubs, organizations and the media.
She travels a lot for roller skating competitions in France and in Europe, she has fitted out a van with which she can travel from Skatepark to Skatepark.
She loves this life of freedom, and passing on to others the happiness that comes from her sport, in progression and performance but also in travels, encounters. The richness of this sport and its environment make her very happy.
We will end with a beautiful quote from Anaëlle: “I like to say that if life has no meaning; it is the roller that I have chosen to give meaning to mine”.
Instagram accounts to follow!
The champion
The club
West Freestyle Academy
Also follow the Nantes Roller Festival
Dates to remember October 6 to 8 at Le Hangar Skatepark in Nantes, France
The hangar skatepark
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