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Moovride loves animals!
Our slogan “Emotion in motion” is the basis of our development and above all our essence. Through this slogan, the animal world is part of our environment and even more often shows us the way, particularly on Mindfulness, enjoying the present moment! Also, they show us the connection they have with their human partner, their family!
Through the development of Zoe coaching, we share with you certain information about cats. The abilities of cats can only interest us, their flexibility and their balance (they are faithful practitioners of Yoga) and the often less known abilities of which we will mentioned in this post.
Purring in felines is one of the most important and recognized factors in therapy, because it helps us relax, manage our emotions and accept certain situations. Indeed, this purring improves the secretion of endorphins which, in turn, strengthen the immune system. In fact, studies in Sweden and Finland have shown that a child's exposure to a cat or dog during childhood can help build immunity, making the child less likely to develop an allergy. to pets in the future.
Advantages are :
- They involve all the people who participate in the activities.
- Relieves stress and helps fight depression.
- Reduces blood pressure and improves blood circulation.
- Helps overcome various phobias.
- Improves motivation and enthusiasm.
- They lead egocentric people to trust others and communicate with their environment.
- Improves concentration.
If the subject interests you, do not hesitate to contact us! Zoe coaching is a Integral ontological coaching service which aims at well-being, improving performance, concentration, controlling fears and stress, better conflict management, reducing the risk of injuries, support in nutrition, etc.
Moovride loves animals! Don’t hesitate to share your photos and videos with your pet and tell your story!
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Information and Zoe coaching sessions: WhatApps, SMS or Call +33 7 56 94 60 22 o [email protected]
Founder of Moovride and Zoe coaching
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